Become a .nyc Accredited Registrar or Reseller.
Join forces with us to spread .nyc web addresses to every corner of New York City’s five boroughs. We know you have a multitude of choices for your domain portfolio, and with .nyc you can rest assured knowing that you will have instant access to the millions of people, businesses and organizations that make up the most exciting city in the world. Become a .nyc Reseller or Accredited Registrar today.
ICANN accredited registrars | Hosting providers | Website providers | Small businesses |
Business and chamber organizations | and more
If you have customers that work or reside in NYC, they do so for a reason. Now, you have a powerful way to offer a web address that can showcase location as proof of value and success.
As the City’s official web address for New Yorkers, millions of consumers are looking to get their own .nyc domain name. The opportunities for attracting new customers are endless.
As part of the .nyc Partner Community, we’ll help tell the world you’re an official place to get .nyc domains, and work with you to make the launch of your .nyc sales a success.
The following is a complete list of ICANN Accredited Registrars that now offer the .nyc domain.
Denotes local NYC retailer